Learning about time-series analysis

Hi, Recently, I had to work on a simple time-series analysis. I performed poorly since I never worked with time-series before. I believe in a deterministic world, and in general, I prefer to find the causality of a specific data behavior prior to a simple way of empiristic modeling. However, I understand the need for time-series analysis as not enough data available, the underlying processes understood, the complexity bearable, or the time/need for a proper process understanding....

August 15, 2023 · 3 min

Learning about time-series analysis

Hi, Recently, I had to work on a simple time-series analysis. I performed poorly since I never worked with time-series before. I believe in a deterministic world, and in general, I prefer to find the causality of a specific data behavior prior to a simple way of empiristic modeling. However, I understand the need for time-series analysis as not enough data available, the underlying processes understood, the complexity bearable, or the time/need for a proper process understanding....

August 15, 2023 · 3 min